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What You Should Know Before the Insurance Adjuster Calls

David Lee Sellers, PA May 5, 2023

Insurance Company Fraud, Bogus Claims Under InvestigationsCar accidents can devastate families in Florida. Personal injuries and material losses can have a profound psychological and financial impact, sometimes lasting a lifetime. Families sometimes face life-altering ramifications through no fault of their own. 

If you have been the victim of a car accident and an insurance adjuster is trying to contact you, it’s important to reach out to legal counsel. David Lee Sellers and his team can help you pursue the compensation you deserve by applying thorough legal knowledge and a no-nonsense attitude. As your legal counsel, he can conduct a detailed investigation to get the facts of your case right and determine the best strategy for your unique needs.

If you live in Pensacola or anywhere else in Florida, including Crestview, Fort Walton Beach, and Milton, set up a consultation with David Lee Sellers, PA today.  

Insurance Adjuster’s Role in Florida 

An insurance adjuster’s role is to investigate and assess insurance claims made by policyholders. They work for insurance companies and are responsible for determining the compensation the policyholder is entitled to under their insurance policy. 

In general, adjusters handle the following tasks: 

  • Reviewing insurance policies to determine coverage and limitations 

  • Investigating claims by interviewing witnesses, inspecting damage or losses, and reviewing police reports or medical records 

  • Analyzing the information gathered during the investigation to determine liability and the amount of compensation that should be paid 

  • Negotiating settlements with claimants or their representatives 

  • Authorizing payment of claims that are within their authority 

  • Working with other professionals, such as lawyers, doctors, and construction experts, to assess and resolve claims requiring specialized knowledge 

Always remember that insurance adjusters work for the insurance company, not the claimant or policyholder. Therefore, adjusters do what is best for insurers, not customers or claimants. 

Handling Requests for a Statement  

It is generally recommended that accident victims should be cautious when providing a statement to an insurance adjuster. Sometimes, it may be best to refuse to provide a statement altogether. 

The following reasons underscore why it is a good idea to avoid giving a statement to an insurance adjuster: 

Using the Statement Against the Victim 

Insurance adjusters may use the statement against the victim to minimize or deny a claim. They may ask leading questions or attempt to get the victim to admit fault, which can be used to reduce or deny compensation. 

Using the Statement to Reduce Compensation 

Insurance adjusters may use the statement to find reasons to reduce compensation. For example, they may use the statement to argue that the injuries were pre-existing or that the victim did not follow proper safety precautions. 

Asking Contradictory Questions to Create Inconsistencies 

Insurance adjusters may ask contradictory questions to create inconsistencies in your statement, which can be used to cast doubt on the accuracy or credibility of the claim. 

It’s a good rule of thumb to consult a professional personal injury or car accident attorney before giving a statement. If possible, the attorney should be present during the statement to advise victims about which questions to answer and how to answer them. 

What to Say if an Accident Victim Chooses to Give a Statement  

If an accident victim chooses to give a statement to an insurance adjuster, here are some things they should keep in mind: 

Ask for it not to be recorded 

The victim may ask for the statement not to be recorded, especially if they are concerned about being misquoted or having their words taken out of context. 

Don’t admit guilt 

The victim should avoid admitting fault or accepting blame for the accident. It is important to remember that fault may not be clear immediately following an accident, and it is best to let the investigation determine who was at fault. 

Don’t answer questions that they don’t know the answer to 

The victim should not speculate or guess about things they do not know. It is better to say “I don’t know” or “I don’t remember” than provide inaccurate information. 

Don’t volunteer additional information 

The victim should only answer the questions asked and not volunteer additional information that was not asked. This approach can prevent the insurance adjuster from using that information against them later. 

Keep it brief 

The victim should keep their statement brief and to the point. Answer questions truthfully and succinctly without going into unnecessary detail. 

Don’t sign anything before an attorney reviews it 

The victim should not sign any documents or agreements the insurance adjuster presents without first having them reviewed by an attorney. This strategy can help ensure that the victim’s rights are protected and that they are not being taken advantage of. 

What Information Will They Ask Me to Provide? 

An insurance adjuster will typically ask an accident victim to provide information about the accident and their injuries. The specific questions asked may vary depending on the circumstances of the accident, the type of insurance policy involved, and the severity of the injuries. 

Accident victims can expect to provide the following information: 

  • The insurance adjuster may ask for the accident victim’s name, address, phone number, and other personal details. 

  • The insurance adjuster will likely ask the accident victim to describe how the accident occurred, including the date, time, and accident location. They may also ask for information about witnesses who saw the accident. 

  • The insurance adjuster will ask the accident victim to describe their injuries, including the type and extent of the injuries, the medical treatment received, and the expected recovery time. 

  • If there were any property damage due to the accident (such as damage to a vehicle), the insurance adjuster would ask for information about the extent of the damage and the cost of repairs. 

  • The insurance adjuster may ask the accident victim to provide information about their own insurance coverage, as well as the insurance coverage of any other parties involved in the accident. 

  • The insurance adjuster may ask the accident victim if they have any prior injuries or medical conditions that may have been exacerbated by the accident. 

Always be honest and accurate in responding to these questions. Be careful not to admit fault or accept blame for the accident without consulting an experienced car accident or personal injury attorney. 

Turn to David Lee Sellers for Representation 

If you’ve been injured in an accident, don’t talk to an adjuster. Talk to David Lee Sellers. His top-notch legal team is here to help fight for your right to fair compensation. He proudly offers personalized representation to clients throughout Pensacola, Crestview, Fort Walton Beach, and Milton, Florida.